Tuesday, July 16, 2013


I'm in a lot of pain right now. I started spotting late last night and it has continued (and had continuously gotten heavier) through the day and night. This is accompanied by some pretty painful cramping in the middle of my stomach.

Because I'm a huge bundle of nervous energy like the rest of my family, I called Dr. S' office and told them what was going on. The nurse I spoke to asked a bunch of questions about my prenatal history and hung up with me to go talk to a doctor.

She called back, saying, "We're going to set you up for an 8:15am ultrasound and exam. You're the first appointment of the day."

I have called for pain or spotting (not pain and spotting) and every time, her response would be like, "See how you feel in the morning and call us." The matter-of-a-fact nature of this woman's statement couldn't have sent me more into a tizzy.

I'm sure it's nothing. The more I think about it (even in pain), the more I think it is nothing. But I'm too uncomfortable not to be seen. Especially with the pain. They scheduled me for an ultrasound and an internal exam. If my stomach continues to feel like this, I'm going to be dreading both. I'm so uncomfortable and hurting.

Slowly, the spotting has slowed down. However, the cramping is just as hard and frequent. Ugh.

I'll post as an update tomorrow.

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