Monday, July 15, 2013

Telling Work

I told work about my pregnancy today.

This truly was terrifying for me. It was a conversation that I wasn't sure I might have one day - especially after only starting my full-time job three months ago.

I didn't originally see my boss when he came in the office for the day (he sneaked in the back entrance), so I had most of the morning to gather my thoughts and work up the nerve. However, I went to go fill my water bottle at the sink and ran into him. After discussing some work topics, I nervously asked him if he would have time to set aside to talk to me. He agreed that he would message me once he had a free moment (we use an instant messaging system to talk to each other instead having to call a person each time we have a simple question).

Around 11:30 in the morning, he told me to come to his office. I kept repeating in my head, "It's going to be okay, it's going to be okay..."

I shut the door behind me and just came out with it, "My husband I recently found out that we are pregnant and I am due in late-January."

I barely got through the sentence before he said, "Congrats!! That's so exciting!" *cue weight being lifted from shoulders* I still was very nervous though. I felt like I was shaking on the inside. With me being so new at the company, I wasn't sure how supportive they would be in terms of going to doctor's appointments during the work day or going on maternity leave. Since I knew I don't qualify for FMLA, the unexpected is frightening.

Soon after my meeting with my boss was over, the Human Resources Manager came to my desk and told me that he heard the news. He was so excited, he practically hugged me. It was really sweet. He told me that he was going to discuss options with his supervisor and that they would be run by the CEO who makes the final decision. Considering the CEO doesn't live in the country and I've only met him once, I don't know how he will react. I probably won't know what actually what will happen until about late-October or early-November.

I stressed how much I love working for the company and that I plan to go back to work after the baby is born, so hopefully that will work in my favor (considering I meant it).

Only time will tell what will actually happen, but it is nice to officially be completely public with our pregnancy. I'm in the last week of my first trimester and I have wanted to share this news with everyone for so long. I can't believe the first trimester is already ending. Our baby will be here before we know it...

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