Saturday, December 8, 2012

An ER Visit and Solving a Problem

The past week has been a roller coaster. I re-started my birth control a month ago per the instruction of my neurologist. She wanted me to be on it while we were switching my medication over.

Last week, my sugar pills started and obviously, so did my "friend." However, when it started, I got the most intense pain I've had in years in my lower left quad of my abdomen/pelvic area. I thought I was just having really bad cramps, but it seriously was killing me.

The past few days the pain never went away and my "friend" just got worse. I started to feel really lightheaded and dizzy from the amount of iron that my body was losing, even though was taking I was taking iron pills to compensate. I got really upset and nervous about what was happening so my mother-in-law took me to the emergency room.

They did 2 ultrasounds, pumped me full of fluids and let me rest. They told me that my endometriosis was back and that I should follow up with my Ob/gyn to confirm. I ended up seeing my Ob/gyn, Dr. S, today. He did an exam and poked around. He told me never to believe doctors from the ER because they just like to scare people.

He thinks that I had a "massive cyst" burst. He thinks that since I'm on both Lamictal and Carbamazepine, both cause ineffectiveness in birth control, that my "normal hormonal body reaction" peaked through. My birth control is working as a contraceptive but not as hormonal treatment for my ovarian cysts. That is why I feel like I'm dying. This is officially day 8 of painful cramping, my "friend," and feeling completely exhausted.

Dr. S says that if it happens again next month that he's going up my hormone therapy and try to reset my body before the medication switch is over.

Also, I finally heard from my GP about my blood work. The nurse told me that my Carbamazepine level was 10.7. Anything from 4 - 12 is considered a normal level. My levels however are usually in between 7 - 9. I was curious to see if me being on Lamictal affected my results at all and it looks like it does.

Here's to feeling better. I'm just so glad to be out of the ER, to know what's happening and that we have a plan, and that it should be over soon.

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