Tuesday, December 31, 2013

37 week OB appointment

I had my weekly appointment this morning. After over 24 hours of on and off Braxton Hicks and feeling like my hip was dislocating from my leg, we were sure that we were going to go in today and have the doctor tell us that we need to get this show on the road.

The Braxton Hicks barely took breaks all day yesterday and today. I started to hurt so bad because there was no relief from the tension. My belly has been sore all day today.

We got to the appointment and it went really fast. He immediately went to listen for the heartbeat and this little guy wasn't having it. Everytime the doctor would start to count beats, baby boy would squirm or make it hard to hear. You could physically see him kicking and rolling around on my stomach so he knew everything was fine. The doctor literally gave up haha.

The OB asked how much Dave and I were at birth. Both of us were relatively small (I was 6 lbs 4 oz and Dave was 6 lbs 7 oz). They use that to try and make a growth estimate. He was feeling around my belly and goes, "This is definitely bigger than a 6 lbs baby." Haha. We have a healthy boy on our hands. :)

He wouldn't check me because I could be completely not dilated and have the baby tonight or be two centimeters dilated and 75% effaced and stay that way for the next two weeks. There's just no telling so why check? I get that.

Walking out the door though he told me, "You can go into labor any day now. We are ready for you!" I can't believe there is only 19 days until my due date. He really is almost here!

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