Monday, November 11, 2013

Ob appt - TDAP vaccine

I had a normal appointment today with my Ob office. They did all the normal things: took my weight, blood pressure and talked to me about symptoms, along with taking my fundal height and heart beat of the baby.

The baby's heart beat was in the high 140s and my fundal height was 31 cm (so a week ahead, but still good). My blood pressure was 130/84, so still looking really good.

I asked about receiving the TDAP vaccine (they suggest pregnant women get it in between 27-36 weeks). I made them aware of my epilepsy because of the warnings on the vaccine (it tells you to watch for seizures for 7 days after getting the shot and not to receive it if you haven't been seizure-free for over a week).

After I got it, I started to feel lightheaded after a few minutes. They had me sit and drink some water, juice and have some crackers. Shortly after I started on the juice, my arms and hands started to feel numb and shaky. They took me in a room and retook my BP, which had dropped to 105/80. Because of the drastic drop and the shaking in such a short period of time, they asked that Dave come get me because they didn't want me to drive.

I didn't go to work today. I fell asleep almost immediately after getting home and woke up with a headache and very slight nausea. The doctor said she thought this was being caused by a bad reaction to an ingredient in the Diphtheria part of the vaccine. However, after speaking to a few girls also on AEDs, they said they had similar reactions so maybe it has to do with the meds and vaccine together.

I'm just glad that I got it and it will provide a little extra protection for little dude, even if it made me not feel well.

Ugh. Back to sleep. 

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