Tuesday, February 5, 2013

More phone calls

Sharon (coordinator from the Epilepsy Program at the hospital) from my neurologist's office called me yesterday when I wasn't home and reached out again to me today.

Apparently, Dr. L left instructions for both Sharon and Nurse Gary to reach out to me about my trough levels (she is currently out of the country).

Sharon said that she is going to reach out to Dr. L for further instruction. I need to remember to call tomorrow. I realized that while I have enough 25mgs to count out the 200mg dosage, I only have a couple days of 150mgs left. I need to find out what course of action they would like me to take.

Here's to hoping that 2 weeks goes by fast...

***UPDATE: 2/5/13 @ 5:16pm***

Sharon called me again. She is sending me a script in the mail for another Lamictal trough level. She wants me to get it the last week of February so they will have the results for my March 11 visit.

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