Friday, July 12, 2013

Catching Up pt. 1

Like I said, the next couple of posts are going to catch you guys up to this point. I'm am going to try and cram all the information in a couple of posts so I can begin posting real-time.

I called Dr. S the Tuesday after we found out (it was Memorial Day weekend so business was closed Monday). The response I received was basically, "You're what?" They were all as stunned as we were, but really happy. The majority of the nurses were already familiar with my background, so I know their congratulations were truly genuine.

I was sent for blood work (beta test, it measures the amount of pregnancy hormone in your blood stream and comfirms + pregnancy). The doctor said that anything above 15 is considered pregnancy (non-pregnant women usually range between 5-10). After 3,000, it is considered viable and after 6,000, they can hear a heartbeat.

My original blood work came back at 36,000! I was definitely pregnant. Definitely. After 48 hours, they had me repeat the beta test and my number was up to 48,950. As long as it is increasing, it means the baby is growing.

Dave and I then had my first prenatal visit. They took us into the ultrasound room to date the pregnancy and make sure everything was okay (I had been experiencing some pain and spotting). The tech found the baby pretty much instantly. Baby M was front and center :)

And then, the most amazing sound I've ever heard came over the monitor.

At 145 bpm (beats per minute), our baby's heartbeat came in loud and clear. I will never, ever forget the way Dave's face looked. He lit up brighter than the sun. It was amazing. I squeezed his hand and teared up as the tech said, "That's your baby."

Since then, I've done all the prenatal blood work (including the gestational diabetes testing - the stuff you drink is horrendous) and everything came back normal. So far, my Lamotrigine levels look good and Dr. L is happy where they are in my first trimester. (Remember when I wrote about my levels being 5.1? That was the first check of my pregnancy Lamotrigine levels)

I still can't believe this is happening. It doesn't feel real. We are so blessed! 

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