Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Blood, Some Sweat, No Tears

8:30 a.m. - I went to Quest Diagnostics in order to get my routine blood work done. They took blood for a CBC, TSH, A1C, Comp Metabolic Panel and a Carbamazepine Level. Getting blood taken never really bothered me like it does for some people. It doesn't really hurt, is over in seconds and gives me a view of my health that otherwise, I wouldn't be able to see. I've seen patients lose their stomach the second the needle touched their skin. I should have the results of all of this in the next few days.

1 p.m. - I had my yearly physical today. I had it with the P.A. in the office rather than my usually GP. She was very nice and made me feel comfortable. I gave them Dr. L's plan to change my medication. She looked at the paper like it was in German, at first, which is the same look I had when I first read the very detailed instructions. I explained that Dr. L was weaning my upward 50mgs at a time, each week for 6 weeks, of the Lamictal first, then after 6 weeks and the medication was therapeutic, weaning me down 200mgs at a time of the Carbamazepine until I was only on the Lamictal. I had to have that explained to me three times before I actually understood.

For the rest of my physical, she asked about my health and eating habits. Since I have symptoms of PCOS, she wants me to get back on a healthy lifestyle track and lose about 15 pounds. She said that by doing that, my symptoms may lessen and so might my acid reflux. In other words, I will just feel better.

Here's to taking another baby step to getting on the right track.

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