Friday, April 12, 2013

The Power of Positive Attitude

While surfing the web, Dave came across a post by George Wacker from Lehigh Valley with Love. I was immediately drawn to the message.

It's about a young man named Shane Burcaw. Shane has SMA. He will always be confined to a wheelchair and the disease will, sadly, end his life. However, this diagnosis does not keep Shane from living his life to the fullest of his current capabilities.

He started a blog, "Laughing at My Nightmare." It documents the stories of his struggles, wins, happy and sad days - and everything in between.

Reading just a few posts and looking at a few videos (there is one especially amazing where he plays goalie against his brother in street hockey), this affirmed my belief that if a person realizes the beauty gift that life really is - taking their struggles in stride and the most positive attitude possible like Shane does - anyone can live a life of happiness, love and personal success. Conditions, diseases, and disabilities do not define a person, they are defined by how they choose to live their life and see the world. Knowing that great people like Shane exist should be an eye-opener for everyone to realize how incredibly lucky they are to just have the opportunity to experience the gift of life.

His blog is spreading the reality that is SMA. He is helping people. Shane is doing an amazing thing by letting people he doesn't even know into his world.

I could only hope that people will find his blog and feel inspired to live their lives to the fullest. Please check this out.

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