Monday, April 6, 2015

Neurology appt

Dave and I went to go see Dr. L today. We went to try and figure out a new game plan for me since I was having such severe weight loss and the episodes. 

She did some tests (normal finger tapping, walking back and forth, etc), took my vitals (BP was 110/59 - which is OK but low for me) and weight (128.4 with clothes on, so about 30 lbs lost since on the Zonegran). She asked Dave a lot of questions. He's a better judge than I am with this since he's the one witnessing it. 

The only thing that I could be honest about is how I'm feeling. She asked me if I'm feeling stressed or depressed and I answered honestly. I'm overwhelmed. I'm sad. I'm stressed. I'm worried about so many things. I'm crying a lot. I'm all the above and more.

And I've just got to figure it out because I can't take anything for it. I know Dave is there for me through this. I know Colin loves me. No one has to tell me that. And I know I have to be strong for my family. 

What Dr. L essentially told us is that I've been having microseizures (not PNES). They are lasting less than 30 seconds and usually brought on by light (reflective) and stress. This is so incredibly disappointing. I really thought this was under control. 

The plan from here on out is to raise my Zonegran by 50mg 2x a day, monitor my weight and make sure I ALWAYS have sunglasses (*sings* I wear my sunglasses at night…). The Zonegran really has done wonders for my migraines. But the weight loss and the microseizures need to be under control, too.  

This is getting ridiculously long, I know. 

I need to "man up" and be strong. I need to take this head on and do the things I need to in order to be healthy and happy and to keep my family healthy and happy.  I need to start wrapping my head around this. 

I also need to come to terms with the fact that Dave and I probably won't conceive again. Colin is amazing. He is perfect. We love him more than anything.  But the risk of going through another pregnancy and having my physiology change again, and then having the potential for more seizures, is high. We would have to talk about adoption if we wanted more. It is very hard to hear someone say that you aren't ALLOWED to do something as opposed to CHOOSING not to do something. It's a big pill to swallow.

This turned very disjointed,  I'm sorry.  There's a lot in my head. You're probably going to be hearing from me a lot lately. 

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