Sunday, November 10, 2013

Growth ultrasound

Last Monday, I went in to my Ob for a growth ultrasound and to receive my rhogam shot. The 30-week growth ultrasound isn't a routine practice usually (I'm unsure if my health network does it routinely or not. I know many don't) Because of my high risk status, they check to make sure the baby is growing at a normal rate the blood flow is still good.

His heart beat is still steady at 149-150 - and he still doesn't like the Doppler wand, haha. Only this time, he kicked it during an ultrasound. He couldn't have been cuter this entire appointment. Poor little dude is in a frank breech position (meaning he's head up and bent in half with his toes by his face). However, it made for some very cute ultrasound movements. Originally, he was sucking on his toes and eventually, he moved them away from his face to show us he could wiggle them :) *heart melts*

He looks really good they said. He weighs around 2 lbs 14 oz and is in between 15 and 16 inches. Everything looks like it is growing at normal pace.

Baby in frank breech position. The white lines at the very top of the scan is his leg.

Here's his long and lean leg. Proof he's not flat-footed like his handsome daddy:

They took my blood pressure (normal) and measured my fundal height (it was 29.5, which is perfect). The doctor we saw thinks that the office may want to see me two times a week after 36 weeks just to monitor me more closely. Honestly, I don't think that'll happen, but if it does, oh well.

The rhogam shot is horrible. Horrible. I know it keeps the baby and me safe but it makes me feel like crap. I got really tired and groggy. I also was pretty nauseous and my stomach was doing flips. I forced myself to eat, but that seemed to make me feel worse. I have to do this one more time after birth if we find out the baby is a different blood the than me.

I'm glad baby boy is doing well. :)

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