Monday, November 26, 2012

Not-So-Sweet Dreams

Lately, I've been having incredibly vivid and horrible nightmares. The type of dreams that when you wake up in the morning, you have to make sure that the events didn't actually occur. They make you run around the house checking on family members, calling friends and bringing out valuables that you thought were lost forever. These dreams have been terrifying and, truthfully, I haven't slept well in about three consecutive weeks.

After doing some research, I found out that these dreams could be yet another side effect from the Lamictal (see, I told you I'd want to talk about side effects, again). I found numerous blogs that describe the same type of dreams after starting the same drug. Some people say for them, they never went away and others say that once the drug became therapeutic, the nightmares eventually fade. I hope I'm the latter of these two.

Between the RLS and random anxiety attacks, adding this to the list makes me feel like this:

Dave and I are going to visit Dr. L. tomorrow. Hopefully, she can shed some light on what's going on. She wants to go over my MRI results in person. She's going to show us the images of the MRI and explain to us exactly what it says and what the plan is moving forward. Also, she is going to give me the results of my recent blood work and confirm where all of my levels are at.

I'll have more on that tomorrow.

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